Forget Me Not - Myosotis sylvatica

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MYOSOTIS (Forget-Me-Not) Zone 3

Masses of bright flowers on uniform, compact globe shaped plants. Short-lived perennial. Must have moist soil and prefers a cool location. Will reseed if spent flowers not removed.

Victoria Blue A spring-flowering favourite, Forget-me-nots are biennial or short-lived perennials that self-seed to come back for many years. Plants form a low mound of grey-green leaves, smothered with clusters of bright sky-blue flowers, each with a tiny yellow eye. Excellent for massing with spring-blooming bulbs. Seedlings may be easily moved in fall or very early spring. Seedlings should be thinned to stand about 6 inches apart, to reduce fungal disease problems, particularly in regions with hot, humid summers. After flowering, discard all but a few plants, in order to produce seed for next year.

More Information: Perennial Catalogue