Meadow Sage - Salvia nemerosa
Regular price $17.99
SALVIA nemorosa (Perennial Sage) Zone 3
The Perennial Sages are invaluable perennials for their rich display in the border. They form bushy mounds of grey-green leaves, with spikes of flowers in early summer, attractive to both butterflies and hummingbirds. Plants are reasonably drought tolerant, once established.
A great color introduction in Salvia, truest blue and as tough and as profuse a bloomer as the others. Can be cut back to rebloom early in the fall. Easy to grow, salvia perform best in full sun. Combines well with Sedum and Echinacea.
Salvia is a staple for every sunny garden. It asks little more than sunshine and a little drink every once in a while in return for producing a bountiful mass of colorful flower spires from late spring into early summer.
May Night Perennial of the Year 1997! Dense spikes of deep violet purple flowers over a long period which can be extended by deadheading. Violet blue Grey-green June-August 18” high 24” spread
Violet Riot Proven Winner Variety! Sold in Proven Winner pots. Produces a riot of vivid violet blue flowers with deep purple calyxes from late spring into early summer. Compared to the industry standard ‘May Night’, it has a much denser habit, a more concentrated show of color, and a neater habit in containers. Violet Green June-July 22” high 20” spread
More information: Perennial Catalogue