Herb Dill

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Fernleaf Dill is a delicious complement to fish.  Dill is used in many dishes, especially dips, soups, vinegars, and salads. Fernleaf is an improved variety of the ordinary dill that is more compact. 

Light requirements Full sun to part shade.

Planting Space 12 to 15 inches apart.

Soil requirements Dill craves well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. Amend soil with compost or other organic matter prior to planting.

Water requirements Keep soil consistently moist throughout the growing season.

Frost-fighting plan Although dill grows best in cool weather, plants don’t tolerate frost. Protect newly planted seedlings from late spring frosts with a frost blanket. Harvest fall crops before a freeze.

Common issues Plants readily self-sow, which can be a problem in some settings. Dill and fennel easily cross-pollinate, so don’t grow plants near each other. Dill is generally pest-free.

Harvesting Pick dill leaves at any point between seedling and flowering stages. Peak leaf flavor and quality occurs just before flowers open. Snip individual leaves or branches. Allow seeds to turn brown on plants before harvesting by clipping seed heads. If you’re not interested in seeds, cut off entire plants for preserving just before flowers open.

Storage Refrigerate unwashed leaves in an airtight bag or container. Leaves store 7 to 14 days. For longer storage, dry or freeze leaves. Individually quick freeze leaves on a parchment-lined tray and store in freezer bags, or freeze in ice cubes.