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Dipladenia enjoy bright, indirect light or filtered sunlight - protect from full sunlight to avoid burning the foliage.  Feed Dipladenia with a quality, all purpose fertilizer (high in phosphorus) all summer to keep it full of blooms. 

Rio dipladenias are easy to grow and will bloom all season long. These gorgeous tropical plants can be enjoyed in containers, hanging baskets and garden beds. Here are a few guidelines for growing Rios:

  • Light exposure: Blooms best in full sun, a minimum of 4 hours of direct sunlight per day.
  • Planting: Plant at same depth of soil as in the pot - in beds arrange plants 20 to 30 cm (8" to 12") apart.
  • Height: Grows 30 to 60cm (12" to 24") in height.
  • Watering: Allow soil to dry out in between watering. Can tolerate some drought.
  • Temperature tolerance: Can be planted outdoors after frost has passed - protect from frost in the fall, can be overwintered indoors.
  • Fertilizer: Every 2 weeks with an all purpose fertilizer.
  • Deadheading: No deadheading is required, blooms will fade and fall off. Rio dipladenias will keep pushing out fresh blooms without deadheading.
  • Features: Rio blooms attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
  • Overwintering tips: Rio dipladenias may not survive in regions where temperatures drop below 7 degrees C or 45 degrees F in winter. Bring your plants indoors in fall to overwinter them. Place your Rios close to a window that receives all-day sunlight. Make sure the temperature remains above 7 degrees C or 45 F. Dipladenias only need watering when the top 5 cm (2 inches) of soil begin to dry. Some foliage may die, but your Rios should produce new foliage in spring. Rio dipladenias come pre-fertilized but plants that have been over-wintered can be fertilized once in May and once in August, with slow-release 18-6-12 fertilizer. Do not fertilize during winter as dipladenias' natural rest period lasts from October to April.