Microgreen Seeds

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Arugula Fast to germinate and fast to grow, arugula microgreens seeds are full of flavour. Rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, and essential amino acids. Arugula microgreens contain up to 25% protein! Try arugula microgreens in salads, sandwiches, and soups. They make a surprisingly nice addition to pizza toppings, adding just a hint of hotness, and bringing out the other flavours. Microgreens are easier to digest than mature plants, so the nutrients they contain are taken up by the body as we eat them. That is to say, because they are more easily digested, they are actually more nutritious. As it happens, micro-arugula is one of the best tasting of all microgreens.

Beets Microgreen beet seeds have a mild, spinach-like flavour. Intensely purple stems and bright green leaves that are even more nutrient-dense than mature beets! Try them as a replacement for baby spinach in salads, or simply as an eye-catching garnish. Beet seeds are a little larger than some of the other microgreens. Be sure to push each seed gently into the soil, or sprinkle enough seed starting mix over the seeds to just bury the seeds and tamp down to lightly compress. Keep the soil moist until germination by regularly misting. The beet microgreens will be ready to harvest around 20 days from planting.

Broccoli CERTIFIED ORGANIC! Delectable crunch and flavour, and packed with all the nutrients of broccoli sprouts. Raw broccoli contains the cancer fighting compound sulforaphane. Broccoli organic microgreens seeds are fast-growing for quick harvests. Grow under bright lights for the best results. Harvest at any stage or wait for the first true leaves to just start to appear. Then trim them with scissors, and give them a good rinse before adding them to salads or sandwiches. Broccoli sprouts and microgreens are considered to be one of the most nutritious of all super-foods. They offer a tidy way to consume all of the nutrients of mature broccoli in a form that is easily digested.

Kale Plant microgreen kale seeds and grow one of the most nutritious super-foods known. They are high in vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, carotene, amino acids, and protein. These mild-tasting, pale green greens look very nice if the first true leaves are allowed to emerge. They also contain sulphoraphane, a compound thought to have powerful cancer fighting qualities. Microgreen kale seeds are easy to grow - and fast! Start them on the surface of (or just buried in) sterilized seed starting mix, and keep moist. Once the first true leaf pair emerges, they can be harvested at any point.

Pac Choi Microgreen Pac Choi seeds produce sprouts that are milder than their mustard cousins, and not as pungent as their other cousins, the Brassicas. Yet they contain very high amounts of vitamins and minerals, and of course chlorophyll and amino acids. And like all other microgreens and sprouts, they are very easily digested, so the nutrition is complete. And that makes them a super-food. Microgreen Pac Choi seeds are a delicious and nutritious topping for stir-fries that matches the flavour profile. Add raw before serving. Or use pac choi microgreens as a garnish to complement nearly any meal. Somewhere between broccoli and mustard in flavour, but mild and very succulent.

Peas (Pea Shoots) Grow delicious pea shoot microgreen seeds at home just like you would any other microgreen. Insert the seeds into a shallow layer of soil, and keep moist. Harvest with scissors once the seedlings are 8-10cm (3-4") tall. Pea shoots are fantastic raw, tossed with a sesame based dressing, or added to stir-fries at the end of cooking to maintain their appealing crunchy texture. The variety we sell is Dwarf Grey sugar, much coveted for the quality and flavour of its thick, fast growing shoots. But all pea seeds can be used to produce microgreen pea shoots. This is a great product to try with kids, as the greens grow very quickly. They are sweet and nutritious.

Sunflower CERTIFIED ORGANIC! Microgreen sunflower seeds produce seedlings that contain about 25% protein. They are big and succulent like mung bean sprouts, but with large, prominent cotyledons (first leaves). They have a surprisingly sweet and mild taste reminiscent of carrots. Add some of these delicious black oil sunflower microgreens to a salad or sandwich, or serve as a refreshing and nutritious side dish. These microgreens are full of fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Sunflower microgreens are easy and fast to grow. They make an excellent salad on their own, or just used as a garnish, sprinkled over a more conventional salad. You might not think of eating sunflower plants, but as microgreens they are tasty and nutritious.

Swiss Chard Microgreen Swiss chard seeds are worth growing just as a general use gourmet garnish. Colour, mild beet flavour, and concentrated nutrition levels for salads or any other meals. Magenta Sunset Swiss chard seeds are for the microgreen grower with a painterly touch. Delicate, pale green leaves atop eye-catching  bright red stems. These microgreens are incredibly rich in vitamins K, A, and C. They are also full of protein, dietary fibre, and antioxidants. Learn how to grow microgreens in our online growing instructions below, and take advantage of our special microgreen Swiss chard seeds today. Microgreens are easy to digest, so their nutrition is entirely absorbed by the human body.