Peperomia Large Leaf - Peperomia obtusifolia

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Resembling the fan-favorite rubber plant, just tinier.  Stem or even leaf cuttings can root if given proper conditions.  Do not over water or keep the soil wet for too long, as this will encourage root rot.

Peperomia grow best in bright indirect light provided by a west or east facing window. They also do well under florescent lights. Insufficient light causes the slow growing Peperomia to stop growing all together and direct sunlight burns the leaves.

Allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before watering.  Root-rot is the direct result of over–watering, Peperomia do well when watered from the bottom. This technique keeps water off of the leaves and helps prevent plant diseases.

The thick leaves of a Peperomia Plant hold water and allow it to withstand long periods without moisture.