False Spirea - Astilbe

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ASTILBE arendsii (False Spirea)  Zone 4

Large flower spikes appear over upright mounds of lacy foliage

Ostrich Plume features a foliage mound (to 20” tall) of dark green leaves and large, loose, weeping panicles of pink flowers on arching stems

'Vision in Red' is an upright cultivar that forms a foliage mound (to 12” tall) of dark green leaves with dark purple stems and petioles. Dark purplish red flowers in thick panicles bloom in late spring to early summer atop branching stems rising to 28” tall.

Bressingham Beauty Dusty salmon-rose plumes on long arching stems. Long lasting bloom. Salmon-rose Green June-August 36” 24”

FILIPENDULA (Meadowsweet) Zone 4

Requires consistently moist soil; do not let dry out between waterings. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds

Rubra Venusta Fragrant salmon pink plumes top the turkey foot shaped foliage. A nice plant for the back of the border in a moist area, preferably in afternoon shade. Salmon pink Green June-July 6-8ft high 36” spread

Visions Astilbe Astilbe chinensis 'Visions'  A dwarf perennial with deeply cut, bronze-green foliage. Sturdy, sweetly scented, upright raspberry-red flower spikes bloom July-August. Ideal edging plant or in front of the perennial border. Makes a nice container plant. Deer and rabbit resistant.

Visions in Red Astilbe Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in Red' PP11965 A dwarf perennial with deeply cut, blue-green foliage. Sturdy, thick upright pink-red flower spikes bloom in midsummer. Ideal edging plant, container plant or in front of the perennial border. Asexual propagation prohibited.

Visions in White Astilbe Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in White' PP18965 Soft white flower plumes float above lacy green foliage in midsummer. The delicate, deep green leaves add ferny texture to garden beds long after the blooms have faded. Mass astilbe in groups in partly shaded gardens for maximum colour and impact. Asexual propagation prohibited.

More information: Perennial Catalogue