Radish Seeds

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Easter Egg II radish seeds are a blend of six distinctly coloured radishes. The flesh is white and the roots can become relatively large without getting pithy. Look for white, rose pink, bubblegum pink, amethyst, mauve, scarlet and purple roots. The uniform roots are round, crisp, and flavourful, with tops that are good for bunching. Get the most out of your radish bed with this blend of diverse colours for spring and fall growing. Provide some frost protection, and you may be able to grow for winter harvests. Once radishes begin to bolt in response to warm soil in early summer, they should be pulled and composted. The process cannot be reversed, and a bolting radish is no good for eating. Matures in 28 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)

Wasabi Radish New to North America, this Japanese heirloom is a medium sized, oblong daikon type. The wasabi-green skin and flesh is crisp and succulent, with a strong heat reminiscent of the much loved Japanese horseradish paste. The flavour is sharp and tear-inducing for lovers of spice. Wasabi radish seeds also make excellent micro-greens, with the spiciness developing early on in its tiny leaves. Radishes can be grown all season but they're easiest when sown March/April and again August through October. Optimal soil temperature: 18-24°C (65-75°F). Seeds should sprout in 5-7 days. Matures in 60 days. (Open pollinated seeds)

Cherriette  Smooth-skinned, bright red radishes with a very round, uniform shape. Cherriette is bred to perform in higher temperatures, so it holds better potential for harvesting into summer. The ideal production time is spring and fall. The pure white flesh of Cherriette is dense and crisp, with a sweet, hot flavour. This is a very uniform radish variety that is slow to develop pith. Its tops are short, but sturdy for bunching. Cherriette has out performed the open pollinated varieties in our trials. Try Cherriette in window box type containers. Plant short rows every two weeks from March to early May, and again in September and October for fall harvests. Matures in 24 days. (Hybrid seeds)

How to Grow

90-100 seed/gram. Sow early varieties in a sunny site as soon as the ground is workable in the spring. Winter radishes are generally sown in mid-summer. Sow seed every two weeks 12 mm (1/2″) deep and about 2.5 cm (1″) apart in rows about 30 cm (12″) apart. Keep soil evenly moist during germination and growth. Harvest in 3-4 weeks when the roots have reached the size of a large marble. One packet sows approximately 6 m (20’) of row.