Tomato Cage

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Tomatoes are a popular, easy plant to grow in your veggie garden during the spring and summer growing season. The plump, red fruit and vine-like green branches flourish in the heat of the season, and they make an attractive container plant for a patio or in the garden. Tomato cages are used to prop up the weight of the harvest and allow tomato plants to spread upwards as they grow. Using your tomato cages correctly can extend your tomato harvest.

After the cage is securely placed around the young tomato, gently guide the tomato vines through the cage as they grow. As the tomato grows, continue to secure the foliage and its vines through the cage bars, taking special care not to remove any blooms and small, green tomatoes. Use soft twine, yarn or string to tie and direct heavier branches onto the cage. Monitor your plant as it grows, and lift up vines that may have fallen or dragged downward. Prune the branches that are dead or crowding, and remove any dead leaves so new growth isn’t hindered.